If you were around Atlanta in the ’90s or at least familiar with the Cabbagetown scene in those years then you’re probably already ridiculously excited for The Rock*A*Teens reunion shows this weekend. If not though, you still have some time to get acquainted. Trust us, you’ll want to.
In her piece on The Rock*A*Teens for Impose, Beth Wawerna says of the group:
“…I mention Sweet Bird of Youth as it’s the namesake of my band, but I love all five Rock*A*Teens albums equally, and you should seek them out immediately. Each is a thing of beer-soaked, sweat-stained glory—a dizzying conflation of chugging guitar-driven decadence, glittery garage rock, reverb-ed romanticism, guttural yowls and punk rock scheming, screaming and dreaming. This was a band. And I mean, like, a BAND. They took their job seriously, man, and that is something I don’t say lightly these days. They were real. They fucking meant it. As a lyricist, Lopez is peerless. No one writes songs like that anymore.”
Wawerna (along with some of the LPR crew) were in Atlanta at The Earl for their first reunion shows, which you can see a clip of below. Tickets are still available for their show at LPR this Sunday, August 10. Come, you won’t regret it. We’ll be there with you drinking beer and singing along.
posted by Zan