More on Radio Happy Hour



Brandi Thompson of WCBS stopped by LPR last Saturday for the first ever Radio Happy Hour and rather enjoyed herself it seems. Listen to Brandi’s commentary (as well as some clips from the show) here. And she’s got more photos, like the one above, if you go here.

And, from the blog Will You Miss Me When I’m Gone? comes this video of Norah Jones playing one of two tunes she played for the RHH crowd:

From that site:

“Yes, something on the order of 900 or so people filled the dark Bleecker Street basement club for a 2 p.m. Saturday show that featured singer-songwriter cum actress Norah Jones as guest on a modern take on an old-fashioned radio show. It was just like radio in that it had a cast, sound effects, micophones and a live audience. But there was no radio broadcast. The show was recorded as podcast.
Norah Jones and host Sam Osterhout,

Norah Jones and host Sam Osterhout,

Norah gamely participated in the first of a series of three planned Radio Happy Hour show this summer. answering questions from host Sam Osterhout, playing a few songs on an acoustic guitar, listening to Sam do a slightly absurd trivia quiz to a member of the audience and joining the cast for an amusingly silly radio drama called Terror in Teaneck.

It turned out to be a perfectly pleasant way to spend an hour or with LPR’s brunch menu and some drinks.”

(Ok, so there may not have been quite 900 people there. Maybe it felt like that many.)