with John and Molly present Radio Dispatch Live: GOP Debate Watching Party, Erin Barker and Justin D’Ambrosio & Nisse Greenberg and Jonathan Anderson
Thu February 28th, 2013
The Gallery
Minimum Age: 21+
Doors Open: 7:00PM
Show Time: 8:00PM
Event Ticket: $5
Day of Show: $8
free for members
Stories About Songs…Told In Pairs
John & Molly Knefel
Erin Barker and Justin D’Ambrosio
Nisse Greenberg and Jonathan Anderson
+ Rock and Roll Throwdown
Yoko Ono OH NO vs. Yoko Ono OH YES
$5 in advance, $8 day of the show
Stick around afterwards for the next installment of Off the Record: Dan Neustadt plays “The Grey Album”!
This is a general admission event in The Gallery at LPR.
The Soundtrack Series – The 70’s

Stories about songs–the soundtrack to our lives. Dana Rossi hosts this monthly dose of music inspired nostalgia where guest writers and performers tell the hilarious or heart wrenching stories and memories they forever tie to certain songs. The Soundtrack Series has been called “the best rock and roll storytelling event in New York” by Flavorpill, and has been featured in the New York Times, BUST, NY1, “Above and Beyond” in the New Yorker, a Critic’s Pick in Time Out New York, and included among the “Best Events and Things to Do in NYC” by CBS News New York.
John and Molly present Radio Dispatch Live: GOP Debate Watching Party

John and Molly Knefel are siblings, writers, and comedians. Together, they host Radio Dispatch, a progressive political podcast that airs Monday through Thursday. Combined, they’ve written for the Nation, the New Inquiry, Salon, Truthout, Alternet, Feministing, the Hairpin, and xoJane, and appeared on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, the BBC, NPR, and 30 Rock. They began their comedy show, John and Molly Get Along, over 3 years ago, and produced a well-received web series of the same name.
With Radio Dispatch Live, John and Molly will bring their comedy and politics to the stage. Each show will be a conversation, featuring guest thinkers, writers, and performers. Imagine a Sunday talk show, but with beer and radical analysis.
Erin Barker and Justin D’Ambrosio

Nisse Greenberg and Jonathan Anderson