The Values The Values

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The Values understand there is a singular magic about the combination of synthesizers and the human voice. That mix of cutting edge technology and deep vulnerability, of digital sounds and flesh and blood, of sleek and portable, portable yet opulent. It’s a city sound, sexy and rich and forward moving. There’s nothing like it — Suicide  knew it in the grimy 70s. Yaz and Erasure knew it in the glossy 80s. LCD Soundsystem knows it in the 21st century. You can hear that on this, the Values’ first EP. Some background: Mason Taub (the lady) and Evan Zwisler (the gent) have been together since 2014 and playing music together as The Values since 2017. Theirs is a total collaboration in life and art.  Zwisler grew up in China, an expat who returned to the U.S. for college. Taub was a New York theater kid who has played classical piano all her life. Together, they’ve worked with several different groups (Zwisler and Taub met the day before Evan’s first show in New York). Other people fell away but the relationship between Zwisler and Taub remained at their music’s core, its heartbeat, its soul.
