Projections by Christian Hannon Projections by Christian Hannon

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New York based digital artist Christian Hannon a.k.a. NON Visuals is a Charleston SC native who has merged his interests in art and technology into an audio visual experience called projection mapping. Paired with live music, Hannon projects his own moving images onto 3D structures and installations to create an exceptional audiovisual experience.

Hannon has worked with a wide array of musical acts such as Kris Bowers, Spanky McCurdy, Lex’s Sadler’s Rhythm and Stealth, as well as partnering with composer Ricardo Romaneiro.

Romaneiro and Hannon have explored audiovisual and immersive theater concepts with ensembles such as Metropolis, NU Deco, and LPR Ensemble.

“Hannon’s projections never fail to wow his audiences. When projection mapping combines with live music, it seamlessly blends into a larger, ethereal experience.”

– Davin Turkewitz – Creator’s Clubhouse
