Listen: Needle Exchange Mix by Matmos



Drew Daniel and Martin Schmidt of Matmos are the most recent artists to participate in Self-Titled‘s always awesome Needle Exchange Mix series. Daniel on the mix:

Thinking about how to approach this, we scrapped the idea of beatmatching techno with laptops and instead decided to do a mix that was sourced entirely from cassettes. Some songs and sounds are from new tapes made by our friends (mostly people based in Baltimore) and some are thrift store finds and some were loaned to us by family members, or made for us as mixtapes years ago. Sometimes it is hissy and quiet and sometimes it is really loud and harsh; some people get a full song and some people just provide a little glue between songs. Sometimes we get fancy and layer several tapes at once. We hope you enjoy it, and thanks for listening.

Check it out below, and read more about the tracks on the mix here!

Matmos are performing at LPR with So Percussion tonight! Get tickets here.