LPR Lists

2012 In Review



Andrew WK / Calder Quartet

It’s the end of the year, and that means reflection, time spent with family (maybe against your will?), and lists lists lists lists lists lists. We’re doing a little for the former and the latter here at LPR and have compiled a TON of videos, photos, and other artifacts of 2012 at LPR and are going to be putting out some of 2012’s best moments every day for the rest of the year on our Tumblr. There will be great moments on stage, in our office, and elsewhere as we work our way toward 2013 and our 5-year anniversary.

Oh! And you can join in the fun! Submit stories, photos, videos, or anything else from 2012 at LPR on our Tumblr, tweet us about 2012 with the hashtag #LPR2012, or use that tag on Instagram, and we’ll include some of your favorite moments too!

posted by dustin